Bardejovský jarmok (Bardejov Fair) (end of August)
   Carousels, market sellers, cotton candy, burčiak (alcoholic drink made of grapes; read: “burchiak”). Tradition connected with Saint Egidius’ holiday reaching far into year 1352. Four-day-long Bardejov Fair is traditionally taking place during the last weekend of august, starting already on Thursday. No other event happening in the city, makes it as full of people as this one.
Kultúrne leto Bélu Kélera (Cultural Summer of Béla Kéler) (summer)
   Classical music concerts, dedicated to the memory of worldwide famous violinist, conductor, and musical composer – Béla Kéler. Traditionally during the summer his art pieces are being brought back to life by top-class musicians, the pieces that have been untouched in archives for over decades.
Bardejovské kúpeľné dni (Bardejov Spa Days) (July)
    The weekend in the middle of july is usually dedicated to Bardejov Spa Days. Two-day festival of folk entertainment is the most visited event in Bardejovské Kúpele (Bardejov Spa). The program is full of cultural events opened for public including attractions for kids or famous “street of craftsmen” during Saturday and Sunday.
Spomienka na Johna Lennona (Remembering John Lennon) (always on the 8th of December)
   A memorial concert held to honor the tragic death of the famous leader of the Beatles. The event takes place next to the so called legendary house in the J. Lennon’s alley during evening hours. The house had been remade over the years by its owner (Mr. Zajac) into an extraordinary memorial of John Lennon and The Beatles.
PechaKucha Night (PechaKucha Night) (March/April, June, Septem., Decem.)
    Informative-entertaining event where creative people present their projects, activities, thoughts, ideas or their inventions. Presentations work at very dynamic principle 20x20 meaning 20 pictures and 20 seconds of talking. Hosts can attract a very broad audience. The event takes place 4 times a year.
Hry Rytiera Rolanda (Games of Knight Roland) (beginning of summer)
   Event with subtitle “Days of the town Bardejov” is usually happening on one of the weekends of june. Celebration in honor of Knight Roland is happening in the spirit of old knights’ tradition. Every year there is living history reenactment of medieval knights’ battles, music, entertainment and other historical traditions prepared for the visitors.
Organové dni Jozefa Grešáka (Organ Days of Jozef Grešák) (summer)
    International festival of organ music, dedicated to the memory of important Bardejov composer and organ player – Jozef Grešák. Performance of popular organ players from different countries is happening in chosen days during the evening summer hours in the medieval building of Basilica of Saint Egidius.
Vivodzeňe kačura (untranslatable) (February)
   Folk festivities, folk bands, traditional pig-slaughter event, costume parade and carnival traditions. Vivodzeňe kačura used to be the last dance at so called “peasant ball”, which concluded the carnival season. The tradition is exclusive to the city of Bardejov.
Oslobodenie Bardejova (Liberation of Bardejov) (January)
   Reenactment of WW2 battles played by living history enthusiasts. The event features authentic costumes, period military tactics and reenactor’s vigor. The spectacular event takes place in historical part of the town and commemorates the Liberation of Bardejov by the Red Army on January 1945.
Bod[Ka:] (untranslatable) (few times a year)
    This event’s sub-title bears the name “The Point of Book Culture”. Great opportunity for cultural experience not only for fans of good literature. The program of the event is usually composed of authors’ readings and short performances of dramatized literary works, accompanied by pleasant music and unique atmosphere. The event is happening few times a year.
Jarmočné baštovanie (Bastion Fair Event) (end of August)
    Exhibition of unconventional art pieces, concerts, movies, independent theater plays, discussions, craft work and just chilling. Great opportunity to get some rest from Bardejov Fair’s rush in the shadow of Thick Bastion (Hrubá bašta) on Veterná ulica street. The event is always happening on the last days of august – from Thursday to Sunday.
Medzinárodné hudobné leto (International Music Summer) (summer)
    The most famous cultural event in Bardejovské Kúpele (Bardejov Spa) is happening annualy at the beginning of summer with big celebrations. Classical music evening concerts performed by national and international performers are happening traditionally at selected summer days in concert hall of Art Nouveau hotel Astória.
Komunitné trhy (Community Market) (2nd Saturday in months May to October)   The market attracts skilled craftsmen, farmers, small business owners and other creative people from the city and its surroundings. The Community Market provides not only the opportunity for trade, but also for relaxation, social gathering and exchange of creative ideas. A special market (off the main season) also takes places during Christmas.
Forever Megashit Fest (Forever Megashit Fest) (June)
   Festival of alternative guitar music, dedicated to the memory of local musician and activist Vladko Kačmár. The three-day event is always happening at the beginning of summer in the area of Thick Bastion (Hrubá bašta) on Veterná ulica street. Not only concerts but alternative movies, theatre or visual arts are also a part of the event as well.
Reflektor (Reflector) (few times a year)
   Moderated discussion evening, focused on current as well as timeless topics. Your attention will be caugh by unusual guests from all over Slovakia. Discussion is usually accompanied by short musical or movie entry. The event is happening few times a year.
Ružový Bicykel (Pink Bicycle) (August)
    Opportunity to get to know local artists, musicians, movie makers, theater actors, enterpreneurs, activists, or other interesting people from different parts of Slovakia. The biggest event focused on contemporary art form is happening always on Saturday, the week before the Bardejov Fair, in Thick Bastion (Hrubá bašta) on Veterná ulica street.
Promenádne koncerty (Promenade Concerts) (summer)
    Every summer brings to Bardejovské Kúpele (Bardejov Spa) concerts of classical music in the amphitheatre in front of the Colonnade. It is a part of local culture with long-lasting tradition. Performances take place every summer day except Mondays, from 11:00 to 12:00 and in the afternoon from 16:30 to 18:00.
Bardejovské potulky (Bardejov Wandering) (every 2nd Sunday in month)
   In every weather, always with different theme, always original. Bardejov Wandering is an interesting way to connect with local history as well as current news about city that will surely get you. Every “wander” has different route and their attendants can sometimes end up at places usually not accessible for public.
Bažant Kinematograf (Bažant Cinematograph) (summer)
    An evening movie experience taking place under the night’s sky at Bardejov’s city square, using a stylish retro bus. The annual festival lasts several days and features a selection of Czech and Slovak movies. The wandering movie festival Bažant Kinematograf enriches the city center during summer in a unique way.
Board Games (Board Games) (every 1st Saturday in month)
   Unusuall evening where professional players and teachers of local club of modern board games will show you the mystery and rules of unconventional board games. Suitable for fans as well as for curious people alike. Great for all age categories.
Translated by: Zuzana Chomová Mgr. Samuel Beňa, M.A.